God’s servants did not use the name JEHOVAH which means HE CAUSED TO BECOME—may be because of its obvious connection with EVOLUTION THEORY—that says matter BECAME one-celled organism, then they BECAME this, and this BECAME that .... and that BECAME this .... finally BECAME homo sapiens
Rose Mary
JoinedPosts by Rose Mary
Anyone in the Bible addressed God as "Jehovah"?
by UBM101 inif even jesus christ himself and other people in the bible did not addressed god using his name jehovah, why should we?.
The Governing Body & honesty
by Laika intaken from w02 2/1 pp.
19-23 par.
how do the anointed know that they have received the heavenly calling?
Rose Mary
They are all mere claims! If they had holy sipirt, why the arrogance in their dealing with those who raise some honest disagreement with some of the teachings? God allowed Abraham to disagree with Him. Even the so-called appointments by holy spirit—do you think they are actually appointment by holy spirit? Once in my congregation one brother was appointed as elder. It was shock to many in the congregation as this brother is known for his undue attachment with another brother’s wife. In the very next meeting, his deletion was announced? Obviously, his original appointment was not by holy spirit!!!
Reza Aslan (author, "Zealot: the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth") interview on TYT
by adamah inreza aslan (author of "zealot: the life and times of jesus of nazareth") makes a few points during an interview on 'the young turks' that really deserve their own thread.. .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl6e4emx-4k .
his main point often missed by modern-day believers is that the writers of the gospels weren't even attempting to write an accurate historical account (which is a modern concept) but instead seeking to convey truths (truisms) via jesus' use of parables and the story of his life and death.
Rose Mary
No wonder people come out with such things about Jesus! Many things Jesus supposedly did or said may have been true. Yet things like Mathew 24:45-51 and Luke 12:47-48 would not have been spoken by Jesus, because they openly validate slavery, the most inhuman practice we have ever known—something that is against the very cause Jesus stands for.—Mathew 5:44-48
After 2000 years since JC was executed ,why have we heard not a whisper from GOD ALMIGHTY ?
by smiddy inhe/she had no problem talking to adam and eve ,though they were sinners in his/her sight .throughout the hebrew sriptures, ot, he /she had no problem communicating with fallen man ,imperfect humans , to dictate his will to his subjects by means of prophets , male and female ,according to the bible , the old testament ,the hebrew scriptures , god communicated not once ,not twice ,not even thrice ,but dozens of times during the first 4000 years of human history according to the bible.. why has this god been so silent these past 2000 years ,when their have been atrocities above the scale of anything that has ever been seen these past 6000 years of human existence .. oh you may say that the atrocities were not committed by god they were committed by man.
fair enough .but god intervened in human affairs in such smaller infringements.
with prophets or so the bible says.. the so called apostacy after the last of the apostles , the influence of satan in the world ,( or was that after 1914 ,) and the 2000 year gap when christ was supposed to return ,never mind about all the crap that went before it .. the fact remains we have never heard from god ,any god, or even" a " god, with either his/her approval or disapproval of events good or bad these past 2000 years... smiddy.
Rose Mary
God conveyed to writing committee of JWs many times—eg. He said the generation of 1914 will not pass away without seeing the end of th world. In 1922 he inspired them to bring out a book entitled MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE. Then in 1995, he told them to abandon the teaching of 1914!
Are these not examples of God speaking to man today?
Does your Theology Align with Reality?
by cofty inthesits are fond of reminding us that science cannot prove there is no god, and in this they are correct.
however, science should not be dismissed so lightly by anybody who values a faith that is more than a mere fantasy.. theologians like john shelby spong have shown the intellectual honesty to embrace the truths that science has discovered and adapted their religious beliefs to take account of reality.
sadly many theists lack the courage to do likewise.
Rose Mary
Yet, there is some problem!
Here is the link:
The Bizarre Free Will
by John_Mann intwo years before i left jw world i came to a strange conclusion about the jw cosmology and the free will doctrine.. basically i came to conclusion that satan is right about the universal sovereign issue.
and i came with that just only using jws premises, no outside apostasy.
i just told to my sister what she thought about it, and she said to me: dont tell anyone about this!.
Rose Mary
There is no universal issue--it is the inventon of WT. First creation account found in Genesis chapter 1 says all humans were created IN GOD'S IMAGE, male and female SIMULTANEOUSLY. Chapter 2 and 3 are just a story borrowed and refined from other cultures.
And God's sovereignty can never be challenged, as Has put in place principle of causation--every one has to learn from the experiences, from the results. The wise will learn from others' experience. The rest will learn from their own experiences!
Article: It's Time to Outlaw Extreme Shunning in Modern Society
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://gilmermirror.com/bookmark/23272594/article-extreme%20shunning#.ufwjurllscm.facebook.
extreme shunningthe gilmer mirror.
its time to outlaw extreme shunning in modern society by: richard e. kelly .
Rose Mary
I agree with gma-tired2. This is practical. Because one day, I was taking Bible study to a Medical Practitioner. He was very much interested in the "truth." Whole family was attending the study. Six month went by. One day after the study, in our informal chat during tea session, somehow I inadvertently mentioned about disfellowshipping arragement! That was the end of Bible study with that family.
This shows giving publicity to their public shunning is the only solution. Let those who are already JWs be there as they deserve to be there. At least new ones can be made aware of.
JW attitudes to women
by Frazzled UBM ini would be very interested to hear from you ladies on this one.
i know that the society keeps women in subjugation through the headship cr@p but didn't ahve any sense about hoew prehistoric the attitudes are until the other day when we were driving out of the supermarket car park and my wife spotted a woman dressed in tight shorts (it has been very hot here) and she commented 'they say that women who dress like that dserve to be raped'.
i did a wtf and overreacted 'how can you blame the victim like that - such attitudes give men a lciense to commit rape and make women feel they are to balme if they get raped which in turn means that rape doesn't get reported and it gopes on with impunity.
Rose Mary
Bible is mixed on the issue. Genesis chapter 1 says He created humans in His image—male and female SIMULTANEOUSLY; hence God presents men and women as equal. Then you have an interpolated portion Genesis Chapter 2 and 3 where woman is shown as inferior and cause of mankind’s suffering.
Another sample is from NT. John the Baptist is killed by Herod for political reason, reports Josephus, the famous historian. Yet the Bible interpolates account of two women as the cause of this holy man’s death. WT is mostly based on interpolated verses in the Bible, hence they are strongly patriarchal. While being inside JWs, women cannot obey the God’s first command “be fruitful” which obviously means to unfold yourself, bringing out your full potential. (Genesis 1:28) For this to happen, you have to come out and behave like Joyce Mayer!
I did that!
Shocking talk from 2013 District Convention urges parents to shun disfellowshipped children
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yldwe_6jsu.
Rose Mary
It is time to take the matter into the Highest Court of the country, and get this WT organisation banned! How many youngsters lost their higher education because of their proddings! Now urging the parents to shun them also! WT should be treated like any other terrorists organisation in the world. It only does harm to humanity!
The context of Genesis 3:15
by pixel ini just want to share my thoughts on genesis 3:15.. we all know the position of the wt/gb/fds on this, that the woman represents heavenly organization (with annointeds, of course), the serpent satan and everybody that is bad.. but to me, the context says other thing.. god is cursing the man, the woman, and the serpent.. first, he starts with the serpent, and give it a pretty mundane curse: you are going to crawl.
and will have hostility with woman's offspring.. then the woman: you will feel pain when giving birth.. then the man: you are going to work hard.. from this curses, you can read they were pretty mundane.
simple put, they were curses.
Rose Mary
The parallel creation account that starts in Genesis chapter 2 says woman is created out of man, and contradicts the science which teaches heliocentrism where sun is at the center, not the earth as implied in Genesis 2:4 “ God made the earth and the heavens.” [why the earth is put first? Because for the writer earth seems to be the center, which he thought as the truth! It was everybody's experience for 1000s of years, but was not truth.
But Genesis 1:1 has got it correctly. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth .” Here earth is put as part of the universe, which is correct!
Yet you don’t coment on “God having ego-problem as inplied in Genesis 3:22-24!